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Toontastic 3D App Review

Digital Literacy with Toontastic

You might have heard of this one before! It's been around for a while, but this update has made a world of difference. The key is in the title with the added 3D. This is an awesome app for digital literacy. Students can use the large selections of backgrounds and characters that come with the app to make professional looking projects. If they are more creative (and they should be encouraged) they can draw their own. As well as guiding students narratives through a story arc, the app can also be used as a way of presenting a science experiment. This is aided by the layout of the scene selection including the aim, method and conclusion. When the students have completed their stories the app then converts the work into a movie. This can then be uploaded to a digital folder in seesaw/showbie. Oh yeah, it's free so you can't say fairer than that! (for now)

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